ஞாயிறு, 15 நவம்பர், 2020






            Work is one of the basic elements of being a full man. Each and every human being in the world one way or other, he or she is supposed to work, because work is the money minting factor. Without work nobody can live in this world. Moreover the work differs from person to person. Some people work that may depend on their knowledge and experience. There are different modes of work as well as categories of work. In this paper, I would like to focus on the physical laborers who work very hard. The purpose I have selected these workers is they don’t have an organization as such and they are like scattered people. It is the current need that they must be given awareness; the rights must be properly respected. The government schemes must be properly informed to these people.

            Basically I have more interest in the ministry of workers because my regency time provided me such an interest. I have the little experience of working for the palm tree workers, salt workers and fishermen. My regency boss introduced all these kinds of ministry to me, really that too paved the way for increasing a sort of interest to design the pastoral plan for the workers. So my paper consists of three major parts. The first part will fully deal about the workers with biblical background and church position towards the workers and social teaching about the workers. The second part will talk about the empowerment of the workers in general (may be Tamilnadu level or diocese level). The final part puts forth my pastoral plan for my own future parish workers.

1. Workers in the Bible, Church Position and Social Teaching about the Workers

            Work and workers are not recently emerged concept; rather it has got its own historicity. Because when a human being is born in the world, one of the basic obligations or rights is to work or being workers. So, bible also contributes much about the work and workers and church has its own position towards the work and workers. In addition to that, social teaching also speaks in favor of the workers and their rights.

1.1  Work/ Workers in the Bible

We believe that God created this beautiful world. The creation itself automatically says God works well. The first six days he worked hard, therefore now we enjoy in this beautiful world. It is clearly seen in  Gen2:2 “And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done and he rested on the seventh day form all the work that he had done.” It is obvious that our creator himself is a very hard worker. We see in the story of Cain and Abel, Abel’s offering is accepted by God. It shows that the hard work will always come out with positive and good result. And also the hard work of Abel is represented in this incident.

The salvation history also beautifully enumerated the pain of the physical laborers. Their enslavement, hard living, unjust wages and harassment given by the owners are well projected in the event of people working in Egypt. There we see Moses as a prophet and social worker who worked for the betterment of the people. I believe that today’s pastors particularly me are called for this cause to work as like as Moses.

It is well evident that Jesus also followed the working principle of God and he played the prophetic attitude of Moses in his own life. Jesus was not an idol or lazy man rather who gave his physical labor. He learned the work from his father St.Joseph and worked with him. It was not an easy work rather hard work. He involved in it with full interest. During his ministry time it is well understood that he gave more importance to the workers. He gave his company to the working class community. All his disciples were from the working class people. His parables and teachings were filled with an importance of work. The parables, he used were more related to agriculture work and fishing. These work need more physical contribution or physical labor. It represents the interest of Jesus towards the working class community or group.

Jesus’ teachings were accurately lived in the early church period. People were more enthusiastic in following the footsteps of Jesus Christ. They worked hard for the good of them as well as others. One of the disciples of Jesus is St.Paul who beautifully says “Any one unwilling to work should not eat.” (2Thes3:10). It conveys the message that the work is very important in the lives of human beings.

In today’s world, the people who involved in the work must be respected with full human dignity. The church also contributed its ideologies for the welfare of the workers.

1.2  Church’s Position towards  the Workers

Rerum Novarum is the prophetic message given by the church to care for the workers. Pope Leo XIII placed this encyclical which contributes the pastoral concern against the exploitation of workers. “Rerum Novarum is above all a heartfelt defense of the inalienable dignity of workers, connected with the importance of the right to property, the principle of cooperation among the social classes, the rights of the weak and the poor, the obligation of workers and employers and the right to form associations.”

Work is a fundamental right and a good for mankind, a useful good, worthy of man because it is an appropriate way for him to give expression to and enhance his human dignity. The church teaches the value of work not only because it is always something that belongs to the person but also because of its nature as something necessary. The church says some of the rights that are the dignity of the workers must be respected, the right to fair remuneration and income distribution, the right to strike, the right to start labor union.

1.3  Social Teaching about the Workers

Human Rights Declaration beautifully presents four points about the rights of the workers and the rights of the union.

1.      Everybody has got the right to work and the right to select the work and the right to claim place for work

2.      Workers have the right to claim the wage for their work. No discrimination should be shown in distributing wages

3.      Every worker must be given decent wage that has to fulfill the needs of the family. He/She has the right to have social safety

4.      Workers have the right to start workers union as well as to be the member of  union

2.  Empowerment of the Workers in General

            Right from the beginning, we see the work and workers are given more importance. Especially the church has got greater concern towards these working class people. In today’s world the church has the responsibility to empower the workers. Let me give some tips

v  Today’s church is functioning with the financial help of the working class community alone. The church needs to have this in mind and work for them

v  The papacy may have the department for the labors, but it has to ensure that the ministry for the workers is done in every nook and corner of the world.

v  Especially, Indian church fully depends on these working people. It has to work for the betterment for these workers.

v  Indian church must prepare the statistics of physical labors in India alone. The accurate data of the catholic physical labors must be produced.

v  National seminar for the workers can be conducted once in a year.

v  National labor commission can make a good contact with the companies run by the catholic people, through which the commission can provide jobs for the Catholics.

v  Once in three months, a report from the diocesan labor commission should be submitted. That has to be made as mandatory to all the dioceses.

v  National labor commission is supposed to strengthen the network with the various workers union for the nation.

v  Each diocese has to gather the workers of the diocese in vicariate level and insists the importance of the unity of the workers and makes them as union.

v  Diocesan level and vicariate level seminar must be conducted for the workers. The obligations and rights of the workers have to be insisted in it.

3. Pastoral Care for the Workers in my Future Parish

Ø  A chart will be prepared in which I have the entry of the work of each and every parishnors and place of the work too.

Ø  I will categorize the people according to the work they involve and make them as group or associations. For example, fisher men association, salt workers associations and palmera workers associations.

Ø  Once in a month I will conduct meeting for these people. I make them cultivate the habit of savings. I will ensure that every association has the bank account.

Ø  It is easy for the associations to get the loans from the bank in order to develop the work which they do. I will work for it.

Ø  The rights and obligations of the workers will be well informed. Only then they can have a proper working condition at their work.

Ø  I will make sure that the government schemes reach the workers especially, scholarship, insurance and supportive fund for the welfare of the workers.

Ø  I will see to that every unorganized worker should have the labors card given by the government.

Ø  If there is any problem faced by the workers within the nation or in abroad as migrant workers in their working place, immediately I will refer to the association and National Domestic Workers Movement (NDWM).

Ø  The feast of St. Joseph is specially meant for these workers. It will be celebrated and animated by these working associations in the parish. A special seminar may be arranged for these people.

Ø  When something happens against the rights of a particular worker, the other workers all come together and give their support to the affected worker for which I will prepare the people and make them show solidarity with one another.

Ø  I will update my knowledge in the arena of workers which will be surely helpful for the workers belong to my parish.

Ø  I will make awareness among the people insisting to get all the Xerox copies of passport, Visa, address of the place and other details about the companies too before someone going to abroad as migrant worker.


            It is a well known fact that every parish will have huge number of different sorts of workers. Therefore, I accept that the ministry to the workers is mandatory in today’s society. Having that in my mind I will work for these people. In a way, it will pave the way for me to get the support of my parishioners for the development of my own parish. I will try my best to help the workers in all the ways possible.




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புனித மார்த்தா விழா! ( 29-7-2024)

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