வெள்ளி, 9 அக்டோபர், 2020

Adoration: Lord Teach us to Pray


Lord Teach us to Pray

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Dear friends,

 Welcome to this adoration service. The title clearly states the title depicted on the notice board clearly depicts the theme of this adoration service. 

Prayer often forms an integral part of our vocation, in fact it is the basis of our vocation. But how much do we pay attention to this fact and ask the lord to increase our union with him so that people who see us will be moved by our spirit of prayer.  As the disciples experienced and came to know the transforming power of prayer in the life of  Jesus can people really see the transforming power of prayer in our lives to opr do we enter prayer and come out of prayer with no results absolutely? Does prayer really make a difference to our lives at all. Are we changed when we come in and out of our meditation or are we just the same unmoved? The disciples asked Jesus tech us to prayer only after they saw the difference prayer made to his life, it is quite evident that people never ask us to teach them to pray because the hardly find any difference in our lives.

Silence :-  For a few minutes (2-3 min)

Gospel Passage will be read

Silence :- For a few minutes

Dear friends if Jesus prayed so much how much more will require to pray. Don Bosco was said to be in constant union with God and every action of his was said to be guide by the Holy Spirit . Are all our actions  guided our communion with the lord . Our all our actions are guided by his dictates to us? Or our we doing whatever we want and say that we prayed and then undertook that venture in life? All our actions undertaken by our own will or that of gods

          I am reminded of an example. Given by John Powell of an insect that was trying to reach a lamp that was covered by a glass case each time the insect reached close to the casing it hit the casing and fell  to the ground in a state of shock.  This reminds me of our state of prayer we are in. The glass symbolizes the blocks in our lives that block us from reaching the light, that is or lord Jesus Christ .What are these blocks blocking us in our Quest for God ?  

Time for silent reflection (8-10 min)

If we have to learn to pray we have to get rid of these blocks that are there blocking us in our journey to prayer.

I now Request you to write down these blocks that are hampering you in your prayer life and offer it to the lord in a symbolic gesture

Praying in community is an essential part to our prayer let us now sing the Chant in our own national languages

Adoration Hymn:-  Let us bow in adoration

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

2 கருத்துகள்:

புனித மார்த்தா விழா! ( 29-7-2024)

இறைவன் இயேசுவில் அன்புக்குரியவர்களே!  இன்றைய நாள் இறை வார்த்தையின் அடிப்படையில் உங்களோடு இணைந்து சிந்திப்பதில் மகிழ்ச்சி அடைகிறேன்! ...