We have come
around the Eucharistic Lord to be with Him for sometime. To thank Him for the
numerous graces that we have received, and at the same time to promise Him that
we will abide in His love. Today is the
first Friday when we are reminded of he great love of the sacred heart for each
one of us. As St. John reminds us ,
“blood and water flowed from His pierced side” and we are remembering this
great love of the sacred heart today. As
Jesus came like a gardener to Mary Magdalene, as a cook to the disciples by the
sea shore, He comes here on the altar in the form of a piece of bread, only to
tell us that He loves each one of us in a special way. Each one is precious to Him.
The theme for today’s adoration service is “
Rejoicing in the Lord.” When the love of
God has taken hold of our lives all the earthly cares look very insignificant
for us. St. Paul was able to say: “ I consider all these things as absolutely
rubbish because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ.” This is what we mean by rejoicing in the
Lord. This rejoicing is the splendid result of our being grasp4eed by the
virtues of hope and trust in the Lord.
Prophet Habakkuk gives us a clear example of how one can rejoice in the
Lord even when life is empty and moody. In the first four verses of the first
chapter prophet Habakkuk is overwhelmed
by the circumstances of his life. But in the later passages the scene is entirely
different. The prophet is no longer controlled by or is anxious over his
circumstances. He realizes that God takes a
personal interest in his creatures. He becomes the source of the prophets’
strength and joy. Let us now listen to this passage being read by one of us.
Hab. 3/ 17-19.
Let us go back in our memory to all the various experiences that we
have had in our life. There must have been real happy occasions in our life
when we really felt there nearness of God in life. But there must have been
also moments when we felt abandoned by God. Let us bring all these in
front of Jesus in the Eucharist and ask
him to heal us. Let us ask for a personal touch of Jesus so that we will be
able to rise above our problems and rejoice in the Lord even in the midst of
Rising above all our unpleasant circumstances and at the same time not
denying the reality of problems let us say, “God alone is sufficient in the
midst of all my troubles.” With this confidence let us now recite Psalm 26 in
which the Psalmist expresses his trust and confidence in the Lord in times of
Psalm 26,
p.426, week 1, Wednesday, evening prayer.
Gospel reading
– (reflection)
Hymn – In the
Lord is my hope …
prayers / Our Father.(in case there is time)
Hymn of
Final Blessing.
Hymn – Rejoice
in the Lord always…
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