whole of creation is a manifestation of God’s love. The creation of man, as the
king and crown of creation, is a greater manifestation of God’s infinite love.
God’s love to us was shown not only by creating us, but also by redeeming us
and showing us the way to serve Him. Nay, God’s love follows every moment of
our life and permeates our entire being. But like any other true love, god’s
love is a two-way movement, a bipolar or a reciprocal act. God’s love must find a response in us. our
Christian life is nothing but a response to god’s love. Let us spend this half
hour with Christ, the incarnate love,
meditation on this essential aspect of our Christian life.
Hymn no. 396
Exposition of the blessed Sacrament
First reading : Genesis 22: 1-5,9-14
Commentator: Because of
His great love for Abraham, God did for him even the impossible and gave him a
son through his barren wife, Sarah. But God demanded that Abraham should love
Him back, to the point of sacrificing his only son. God’s love is very
demanding but infinitely rewarding as well
Responsorial hymn
– 574
Second reading : Mathew 11: 20-25
Commentator: Christ’s severest words were uttered against those
on whom God’s grace had been poured out in abundance, but, who in their turn,
did not respond to that love.
Prayer of the faithful from the prayer of the church
Time for silent personal prayer
Eucharistic hymn
Final recessional hymn.
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