சனி, 10 அக்டோபர், 2020

ADORATION-SERVICE: Jesus is Our True Friend



Theme: Jesus is Our True Friend

Gospel Reading {John 15: 12-16}


             Friendship is a happy thing. It makes us laugh, sing, sad, and cry. It makes us seek the reason, why?

It makes us -to give others what we have, and above all, it makes our life alive. Friendship invites us each one of usto are faithful, as a group. It is not a solo game or self- game but it is a universal; game. Friendship assures us the person that he is always with us, like a shadow. The shadow always remains in our trials and temptation and  

 In joyful moments. Friendship like a crystal love, which requires faith, hope, and patience, love can transform a friendship

 into a marvelous mystery. Jesus is our true friend, who came into this world and died for our sins. Even- though we are not worthy to be deserve it. Friendship does not look at a person’s high post in the company or high status in the society. In friendship, there is no degree, no partiality. Today Jesus is calling us as a friend. He says, “No longer I call you My servant, because the servant does not know what his master does, but I call you My friend” We require friend to be open, otherwise we will be lonely in the midst of the people. The loneliness will haunt us. Friendship breaks the walls of fears and terrors, and build up to get the people together. Friendship keeps us free from the chains of fears. Sometimes people are afraid of their superiors. There will be no fears, if there will be true friendship. The true love has a root of friendship. Friendship does not look for comforts and benefits.

         Friendship is a gift; there is transparency and openness. A faithful friend is a sure shelter, who gives us a place in his heart. Therefore, friendship is a sure shelter that finds, finds rare treasure. It is a gift, not to pack with good and attractive wrappers and tied with colored ribbons.              

. It is a promise, which leads us to the real happiness. In friendship, promises are made regularly to show the love of each other’s. Jesus is the best friend of each and everyone. Friendship is not only care of a person but loves that person. Jesus did the same thing, Yesterday, today, and will do tomorrow. Jesus loved so much and died for us on the Cross spreading His hands on the Cross. Showing, how  much, He

 loves us. We can load our sorrows and our burdens on His shoulder. Now we have found a NEW FRIEND, on which we can depend upon. Yes, He is Jesus, our true Friend.


1 கருத்து:

புனித மார்த்தா விழா! ( 29-7-2024)

இறைவன் இயேசுவில் அன்புக்குரியவர்களே!  இன்றைய நாள் இறை வார்த்தையின் அடிப்படையில் உங்களோடு இணைந்து சிந்திப்பதில் மகிழ்ச்சி அடைகிறேன்! ...