Theme: Ask, Seek, Knock.
Hymn: Ask and you will receive. [hymn
no.143 from Pray Sing]
Blessed and praised every moment be the Most Holy and Divine Sacrament.
Glory be……
Dear brothers and sisters, the theme of this evening’s adoration is ask seek
and knock. In the gospel reading of this evening Jesus tells each one of us ask
and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock and the door will be
opened to you. Jesus promises today that everyone who asks will receive and
anyone who seeks will find and the door will be opened to him who knocks. So
let us spend this half an hour talking to Jesus who is in our midst. Let us not
be afraid to ask Jesus our needs,our personal intentions, needs of our parish
and the needs of our family members and Jesus will surely answer our prayers.
Three minutes of silent adoration.
Gospel reading Matthew 6:7-11
[Silent music will be played from the cassette and
the following commentary will be read out slowly.]
Dear friends let us feel the presence of Jesus in
our midst. Let us try to reflect on the words, which Jesus spoke to us this
evening. Do I spend time in prayer? Do I ask Jesus my need in faith? If at all
I spent time in prayer, what do I pray? Do I pray for the needs of my neighbour?
Do I prayer for my country? Dear friends there are so many intention to pray
for but we are not aware of them. Jesus tells us very clearly that anyone who
asks will surely receive. So why are you afraid to ask the Lord to grant our
intentions and the intentions of others? Jesus is ever ready to help us in our
difficulties so let us pray to Jesus in faith
for all our intentions
stand for the intercessions.]
Let your response be lord hear our prayer.
*Lord Jesus today in a very special way pray for all
of us who are gathered here that we may always grow in your love. R/
*Lord Jesus we pray for all those who are suffering
from various sicknesses that they may experience your love in their suffering.
*Lord Jesus we pray for all those who have gone
far away from the church that they may
experience your love. R/
*Lord Jesus we pray for our country and all the
political leaders who govern this country that they may work for the good of
all the people. R/
Let us sum up our petitiions with the prayer, which
Jesus has taught us.
Our Father…
Let us pray
Adoration hymn: [Come and worship.No.284 from pray sing.]
Father, you revealed your Son to the nations by the
guidance of a star. Lead us to your glory in heaven by the light of faith. We
ask this……
[Final hymn:
Jesus is the joy of living.No.221 from pray sing.]
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