வெள்ளி, 23 அக்டோபர், 2020





            Lord Jesus, there so much we owe you that we do not know where to begin. Your favours are numberless; we just cannot count them. When we look at our position with respect to you, we have to admit that there is nothing that we have not received from you. Our very breath comes from you. And so our thanksgiving to you endless.


(Pause for a few moments)


Gospel: Luke 17: 11-19


Reflection: (Read little slowly)

            The only one who returned to thank God for the miracle was the samaritan – not any of the nine jews. It is easy to condemn the nine jews; but how often have we perhaps acted in exactly the same manner? Specially when we have received an extra ordinary gift it is so easy to absorbed and engrossed in the gift itself, to go around telling everyone about our fortune that we forget the giver. We find it easy to thank God for the things which happen for our good. And about the things that seem to be our disadvantage, how often do we thank God for even these? We need to thank God for everything because as St. Paul tells us: “For those who love God, everything works for their good – even adversity.

            Let us pause for a few moments and reflect on how spontaneously do we give thanks to God in our daily lives?



(soft music can be played)



                        Response:  We thank you and we praise you Lord Jesus

Ø  For all the world you created and all living creatures both great and small.  / R.

Ø  For having loved us and for filling our lives with your love. / R.

Ø  For all our companions, superiors, all our family members, our friends and foes.  / R.

Ø  For giving us our daily bread and for forgiving us our sins.  / R.

Ø  For bringing us together to follow your path.  / R.

Ø  For all our benefactors. / R.


Lord Jesus our ability to thank you is itself your gift. Fill us with the spirit of praise and thanks that in all we do and say, we will praise you our Lord and Father. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.          

கருத்துகள் இல்லை:


புனித மார்த்தா விழா! ( 29-7-2024)

இறைவன் இயேசுவில் அன்புக்குரியவர்களே!  இன்றைய நாள் இறை வார்த்தையின் அடிப்படையில் உங்களோடு இணைந்து சிந்திப்பதில் மகிழ்ச்சி அடைகிறேன்! ...