1. Lord!
Renew the spirit of service in those who left everything to follow you and unit
them through the mystery of your son, Jesus Christ. May the holiness of your
church be revealed in their lives. For this grace we pray to you.
2. Our
loving Father! We thank you for giving us new flowers, first year brothers in
our St. Paul’s family. Lord! Enlighten them with the grace of the Holy Spirit
and may they become messengers of your kingdom values by lives of faith, hope
and love. For this grace we pray to you.
3. Almighty
God, creator of the world! Bless our parents and renew them with sound body and
mind by your life-giving grace. May they feel your presence in their daily
lives. For this grace we pray to you.
4. Lord,
our life giving! Guide all the nations and their rulers according to your will
and may they work for the common good with one body and mind. Loving Father!
Make their lives light and salt for all people. For this grace we pray to you.
5. Master
and servant of people! We gratefully remember our benefactors who sincerely
render their spiritual, moral and economical support for us. Lord! Be with them
and bless them with your grace. For this grace we pray to you.
6. Lord,
everlasting wisdom! We bring our formatters who really sacrifice themselves to
mould u as vessels of your messengers. Bless them with your love and wisdom.
May they shine as the proclaimers of your kingdom in the society. For this
grace we pray to you.
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