31st December 2020
C. Bless and praise every
Glory be...
(Background music / all seated)
The sequence of events and the passing of days
mark the growth of our existence.
Liturgy is the consecration of time in an era of salvation. At the end of every year, we are exhorted to
take stock of ourselves. For us,
individuals and communities, this demands an examination of conscience and a
revision of life. It is a partial
assessment which puts individuals and communities face to face with the
salvific plan of God. On the one hand,
there is the awareness of one's own inadequacies, of the lack of response to
community needs, and of one's personal sins; on the other, there are the
manifold graces bestowed by the Lord during the year of grace which is now
drawing to a close. Let us with sentiments of sorrow, but above all of praise
and thanksgiving entrust everything to the Lord in a spirit of humility and
Gathered together before the Lord on this last
day of the year, let us, as individuals and as a community, ask pardon for the
time spent in a manner not befitting a Christian and a Salesian.
C. O benevolent and merciful God, help us to
acknowledge our sinfulness, and to discern in the circumstances of our daily
life, the project of liberation you have traced out for each one of us. Foster our desire for conversion, so that we
may ask you, the author of life, pardon for all that has been an obstacle to
our journey towards the fullness of our being.
We make this prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Let us praise and thank the Lord for the gifts he has bestowed on us during this year 2019. Let us thank him for coming into our midst, for the gift of the Christian and Salesian vocation and for calling us to follow him in humility of spirit, purity of heart and poverty of life.
Individuals are welcome to express their sentiments of praise and thanksgiving
Let us sum up all our feelings of thanksgiving for all that the good Lord has done for us during the past years, through the song played on the tape.
(Words of the song is displayed
on the wall through overhead projector)
As we are on the eve of the solemnity of Mary the
Mother of God and the New Year let us entrust the New Year to the protection of
Mary Most Holy and ask the Lord through the intercession of Mary to bless us
with all the graces we will be in need of in the coming year 2020.
New Year reminds us of fresh beginnings and the
desires to start anew whatever task we are going to undertake. Let whatever we undertake begin from God and
be geared towards His greater glory. Let's express this desire through the song
"Let me start again".
Bhajan (Adoration hymn)
Final Hymn
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